Thursday, September 25, 2014


I personally think that there's no such thing as "the greatest chilean", so i'm going to talk about one of my favourites characters in the public floor: Pamela Jiles.
She is a reporter from the Universidad Católica, writter, academic of social Comunication and presenter of "pink press" on TV. Most of her book are about chilean sexuality, but she has also write about "pink press" and military regime. She was also a candidate for deputy district 45, in the region of Bio-Bio, in 2009 elections.
I think she is one of the few people that have actually writed books about chilean sexuality, like "Fantasías sexuales de mujeres chilenas" and "Confesiones sexuales de hombres chilenos",both in 2004,  triying to remove the taboo about sexuality in Chile at that time.
I will LOVE to ask her why does she works on TV, personally i think that she has all the tools to be a great writer and reporter outside this show business in which she is so ingrained, maybe it's not a great question, but it's something that really draws my attention; maybe she just wanted to appear on TV and try to make her researches about sexuality more publics.
Also, with her appearence in the show "Vértigo" from "Canal 13" the term "opinólogo" was coined by the pink press and used until today in the chilean tv programs that talk about the show business.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome to the jungle, welcome to "LA SHILEH"

To be honest, i'm not a big fan of my school, i think that there are so many problems talking about infrastructure, equipment in all the workshops, security (and maybe we should take some students out too hahah).
The  most important of these topics, i personally think that's infrastructure; i mean, whenever i'm walking in the school i'm afraid that the roof may fall on my head, or maybe with a new earthquake the entire place is going to be destroyed (that's too much xd, but i do think that we can't understand how did the school "survived" the last one).
Probably the solution to all these issues is to make a big, but a real big, summary to everything in the school, but that will never happen, maybe becasue of the time it takes, or because there are so many people that will (finally) loose their jobs and getting paid for doing mostly nothing apart from breathing. NEVER.
Personally i will start by building a new art school, with all the art degrees together, and of course with all the equipment that it requires. I will also fire a lot of the current teachers (not you Beatriz <3), becasue as i said before they do nothing but breathe xd and after all that we will be able to eliminate ebola in africa (because i'm talking about something as impossible as that xd).
Of course that the benefits from all these things i've said are going to be seen in the new generation of artists that will start graduating from here and the way they passed those years of study, because it's different to have studied in a place with all the necessary equipment to work, that have studied in our not so beautiful rural school.
WE HAVE TO WORK, BECOME PROFESSIONALS, MAKE THE WORLD CHANGE! but i think that i haven't seen enough tumblr today, so maybe tomorrow (or later).
(An art student trying to save the world by becoming a cultivated person, OBVIOUSLY NOT SLEEPING)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

alalalalllalalalla i want to leave D:

So here we are, again; today i'm going to talk about the place i have EVER wanted to meet: Egypt <3.
Since i'm a child that country have always drawn my attention, because of it's history and culture mostly, but also because it's on the middle of the desert, with a lot of camels, pyramids, mummies and, of couse, sand (but i hate it).
I think that I do know a lot about Egypt, no as much as an egyptology person, but much more than the rest (humility please). The reason of this is because, when i was a happier and younger person i played "Mitos y Leyendas" (forever nerdy xd) and the subject of this card illustrations were the different culture from ancient empires around the world. So when "Dominios de Ra" was released I literally exploded from happiness (and my mom from sadness, because i made her bought me a lot of cards hahahahaha), finally all the gods, pharaohs and places from Egypt where close to me <3.
I will like to visit the sphinx, the giza pyramids, different tombs (obviously at night to find mummies) and maybe then, just be a normal tourist.
As i said before, i really HATE sand, so i think that i will only visit the place, and for a short time hahahha.